Well, objectively speaking, they're not irrelevant. We are located in the East of Europe, have some family ties (both Russia-Ukraine-Belarus' and the Baltics), history and trade relations etc. What affects us always affects them to some degree.
I live in Kiev and in my "block of flats" there are 4 families who have relatives in Estonia (they're easy to recognize by their vehicle registration plates). And this is only one "block of flats" in only one city. So, I assume there are thousands of such families.
Now, about the heavy... "hate" will exist and thrive as long as it's promoted, inculcated and supported by brainwashing media and educational system, which in the Baltics are not that different from those in Ukraine. They're taught to hate Russia, from their very childhood... They're not taught (or taught to ignore), that there were thousands of their own guys among bolsheviks' supporters (these https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvian_Riflemen for one), just like Poles always ignore the fact that Felix Dzerzhinsky (who is often called "father of KGB") was actually Polish born in Belarus'... and many many many other "not-so-pleasant" facts. We, the Rus', will live through this one; it's not for the first time in history they act like ADHD kids... such a pity, I have a thing for Estonia(ns) in particular, they'd be truly awesome if not that stinky russophobia implanted into their brains by jWestern brainwashing machine.
Oh, and those hateful users, whom you've mentioned, are probably very proud of the fact, that Western "Ukrainian" zio-fascists, who overthrew the Ukr. govt this winter, were trained by NATO guys in Estonia and Poland. So, even here... there is a connection. Sometimes, hatred "unites".
Q: "What does the Estonian/Latvian government get from brainwashing their kids?"
A: a lot of jAmerican $$$$$$$.
I AM objective; even despite their russophobia I still support their economy since I do buy their clothes and sea products, here in UA and RU. Let alone the fact, that I'm one of MILLIONS of Russians/Ukies traveling to the Baltics ("investing" my money into their tourism industry).