"Wake Up And Sing!" This Russian expression is known since 1973 - yes, it has a date - due to the Russian version of a Hungarian comedy written by Gyárfás Miklós, released by Moscow Satire Theater and the TV version of this performance.
It was called "Wake Up And Sing", and there was a song in it written by V.Lugovoy (lyrics) and G.Gladkov (music) and the chorus was:
Проснись и пой! Проснись и пой! ---
Wake up and sing! Wake up and sing!
Попробуй в жизни хоть раз ---
Try at least once a life
Не выпускать улыбку из открытых глаз! ---
Do not loose a smile from open eyes!
Пускай капризен успех, ---
Though success is capricious,
Он выбирает из тех, ---
It chooses from those,
Кто может первым посмеяться над собой! ---
Who can be the first laughing at themselves!
Пой засыпая, пой во сне, проснись и пой! ---
Sing falling asleep, sing while sleeping, wake up and sing!
You can hear it here (0:25 - 1:07) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEUoxvvo2Tg&feature=related